hey, mama!

I’m Alisha, a postpartum mom of two, here to help you find the confidence to follow your intuition and generate positivity and empowerment as you transition into motherhood. Supporting YOU in maintaining your identity, planting your roots, and becoming the best version of yourself.

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a place where you can deep dive into planting a seed, grow your knowledge, and expand your roots in motherhood.

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whether you are searching for an advocate, advice, support, or a place to vent.

I'm your ear.

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tips and tools for you to use at your fingertips. 

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hey mama!

I’m Alisha, a postpartum mom of two, here to help you find the confidence to generate positivity and empowerment as you transition into motherhood. Supporting YOU in maintaining your identity, planting your roots, and becoming the best version of yourself.

Learn More

a little about me..


I could bore you with all my, "I've done this, I've done that BS," but... you're here because you're a busy mama and I'm not here to waste your time. 

So let's get down to the nitty gritty. 

After my son was born in 2020, I decided to stay home full time and commit 100% to mom life. The freedom of staying home and spending my days with my kids is something that I'll never take for granted but it's also something that is getting harder and harder to maintain in todays world.

Ultimately, in order to make a difference from home, I needed to start focusing more on what I'm passionate about and serving a group of people who I have a desire to help.

So here we are!

This page is meant to serve you through the unknown, sometimes scary, and pretty messy first few months of motherhood that I wish I had available to me. 

I hope you find value and empowerment within what I offer and it benefits your life as an individual as well as in motherhood.

Maybe so much so that you choose to share it with someone else that might need it too! 


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"I am so glad I decided to work with Alisha. My home life and confidence as a new mom has shifted in a way that I didn't see happening for me for a long time. It's taken some work, but I definitely feel like I made the right choice for me by working with her."

with love, Jennifer